Henkilön Sai Huda profiili

Cyber Security - How to Protect Yourself Online

With over two decades of experience in the field of cybersecurity, Sai Huda is an authority on risk and cybersecurity on a global scale. Sai Huda is also the author of Next Level Cybersecurity: Detect The Signals, Stop The Hack, which became a best-seller.
With more and more people online, it is important to protect themselves from cybercrime. Taking some simple precautions and being aware of the risks can significantly reduce their chances of becoming a victim of cybercrime.
One of the best ways to protect computers from threats is to ensure that the operating system and software applications are up to date. Software developers regularly release updates that patch security vulnerabilities, so keeping the software up to date makes it much harder for criminals to take advantage of those vulnerabilities.
Using strong passwords and never reusing them is crucial. Passwords should be long (at least eight characters), unique, and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
Sai Huda recommends using multi-factor authentication (MFA) such as a one-time-passcode (OTP) beyond just a password as a risk mitigation method.
People should also be careful what they click on. Many cyberattacks start with phishing emails that trick people into clicking on a malicious link or attachment. Be especially suspicious of unsolicited emails from unknown senders, even if they look legitimate. If an email seems suspicious, err on the side of caution and don't click on any links or open any attachments.
If unsure whether an email is legitimate, contact the supposed sender directly (using the contact information saved or used previously during the conversation and not the information in the email itself) and ask whether they sent the email before taking further action.
Cyber Security - How to Protect Yourself Online

Cyber Security - How to Protect Yourself Online
