The Youth Center Wave asked me to design, layout and edit their publication Randnotiz der Jugend. It consists of an official part describing open youth work, and a literary part featuring texts from young people of the area.

The common denominator of many of the texts is the theme of home. Where do you feel at home when you grow up and get older or when you had to flee your original home country?

To visually assist the essays and texts, a design was created that features shapes and forms similar to national flags. These run throughout the publication and were kept in the colors of the youth center.

The part of the publication featuring texts from teenagers from the youth center was adapted to fit the style of a collection of short stories.

The publication was released for the ten year anniversary of the youth center Wave.

Publication and Text © Jugendzentrum Wave
Layout, Design & Editorial | Ben Leander
Randnotiz der Jugend


Randnotiz der Jugend

For the ten-year anniversary of Youth Center Wave I created a layout and designed a publication that reflects the topic of where you feel at home 閱讀更多
