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Affirmation Cards Design

Affirmation Cards Design


A lot of people always became the character that others wanted, but they lost themselves during the process, no freedom no happiness and felt that life was meaningless because it was not themselves, so it's a lot like living for others rather than living for yourself.

Product ideas are self-love affirmation cards, which is a thoughtful first-person statement that encourage positive thinking, calm, and confidence cards. I hope those cards will give encouragement to people who feel lost in relationship, in their life or for people with low confidence and low self-esteem. The design ideas included six encouragement cards with one box cover card. Colour scheme will be monochrome which is black and white, both chic and classic colour but modern yet traditional. The content included encouragement quotes that design by typeface, font pairing and handwritten calligraphy.

Affirmation Cards Design
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Affirmation Cards Design

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