Profil von Rick Byrne

Appendix N Book Club

Appendix N Book Club
The Appendix N Book Club is a podcast that reviews the various books that inspired the creation of Dungeons and Dragons. The logo had to represent the low fidelity look and feel of D&D back then rather than the highly polished version of the game that exists today. 
Inspiration: Erol Otus
Although there was a great deal of low fi artwork produced by various in-house illustrators for D&D I was always drawn to the highly stylized work of Erol Otus.
Existing artwork
Originally created for an ad this drawing was created by a different artist. It contains a girl reading a book with various creature limbs emerging from the darkness behind her. It was used in lieu of a logo for the first few years of the podcast's existence.
I always start by doing a sheet of micro drawings to get all my ideas down on paper. These are so small you can see the grain of the paper in these photos.
Concept: D20/Gem
This first concept combines two elements from the games (a twenty sided die and a gem) into one with an 'N' from the D&D logo in its center. 
Concept: Type only
Further keeping the 'N' as the hero this type-only concept is reminiscent of the style of logos used in many D&D books and scenarios. 
Concept: The Conjuring
Thinking about the worlds that get conjured up from the novel's text I used a magical smoke emerging from a book with the 'N' coalescing into reality as if summoned by a spell.
Concept: The Beholder
After portraying the 'N' as the hero in several concepts I wanted to a reader to one of them. In thinking about something intrinsic to D&D that emphasized reading or looking I immediately hit upon the idea of using the 11 eyed Beholder creature. Here they are engrossed in one of the Appendix N books.
Appendix N Book Club

Appendix N Book Club
