Ambition Project
With this project i struggled the most the past few weeks, I wanted to make something along the lines of 2D realism art, but I didn't expect it to be this difficult. When I started with this project I had the perfect idea in my head! I wanted to make some kind of room with a few props that would connect to my 3D work because it would be done in the same style the only difference was that one would be drawn and the other made with 3D. Because this project came later than the other two, I had less time to make something out of it.
I started my research with that idea in mind but soon I found out it wasn't as easy as i thought it would be. I thought that in the weeks I had left i would make a scene and draw everything, but when Found out that I wouldn't manage it and that it was a bit to farfetched right now I sadly had to decide on doing photobashing. In the end I wanted to keep the original idea but instead of drawing i would do a bit of both photobashing and drawing.
Because this project has a small connection with my 3D ART and I wanted to try working with how to put the lights and what kind of mood/setting i'd be going for. in the end i am satisfied with how the ambiance came out, but still a tad bit dissapointed in the whole thing. I feel like I could've done a whole lot more and I do know that I still have a lot of potention left that i want to show to people! 
Atleast this is a moment where i can learn from, so i won't make stupid mistakes in deciding to push this back a bit like it will magically go the way i want, or asking for feedback when needed.
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