Rui Marquess profil

Gail Anderson - Typing Color

Exhibition on Pavilhão Exposições FBAUP  | Porto
Gail Anderson, Typing color

In this project, we were proposed the graphic production for the promotion of an exhibition about a designer, in this case Gail Anderson.
Characteristic for her expert use of typography, this designer works with unique and detailed compositions, graphic works focused on the message and the best way to communicate it.
For the graphic production of the exhibition, I ended up using and creating an eclectic aesthetic that brings together all of her identity as an artist, through old typography, color, glyphs, textures, and a lot of diversity. Throughout the presentation, you will be able to see some of her works and different applications of the identity created for her exhibition, with some surprises at the end.

To emphasize the characteristics of the designer and also the theme of the exhibition, I decided to produce an A3 flyer, with the design process until the final decisions, entitled “The ones that didn’t make it”.
Here we can see several approaches to the problem and how they contributed to the final product, in this way we also use the process as a form of content, because as Gail Anderson said:

“The process has to be fun and you need to be willing to step your comfort zone”

An exhibition full of color, diversity and personality, of course there had to be a way to include it through something interactive with visitors. Inspired by the graffiti stickers “HELLO, my name is” comes the “HELLO, my letter is”, in this way, when visitors enter to visit the exhibition, they draw a letter on the sticker, and then use the sticker as shown in the photographs, as if the letter was in fact its identity.

All design by
Rui Marques

Follow up
 Mário Roda & Ricardo Sousa

Work carried out in the Design II curricular unit in the third year of the Communication Design degree.

Gail Anderson - Typing Color

Gail Anderson - Typing Color
