A website and mobile app plugin that teaches future generations to rethink their posts, comments, and reactions before making them public.

Thesis Question:
How might design be used to educate young individuals (18-24) in order to actively dismantle racism and sexism with social media outlets and marginalized groups?
Initial Research:
Popular Media Searches: 
TikTok trends that make light of violence against women and/or domestic violence 
Original Trend: (original video had to be taken down)
New trends on TikTok as of March and April of 2022 use the phrase “Imagine I take you to” followed by a joke about the girl being killed by the date
Humor is used as a way to talk about domestic violence and violence against women on popular social media platforms 
Uses women’s death as the punchline of the joke 
People comment in ways that try to gain attention, and they comment on the joke itself rather than the sexist and/or racist elements involved 
According to a U.N. study, about one in three women have been victims of physical or sexual violence, with most perpetrators being intimate partners.” 
“Accepting the idea that men are aggressive and powerful and women meek and compliant justifies violence.”
By allowing trends like these to circulate, the public is becoming desensitized to the actual content that is being talked about 
Repeatedly seeing the same trends normalizes a certain stereotype that women are weaker or more compliant than men, or that this violence (and even talking about it) is acceptable 
People are blinded by the humor and jokes made out of the serious topic, and therefore do not think about the topic itself and how it is not funny

Other Helpful References: 

Initial Sketches
Posactivity allows users to upload their posts before making them public on social media platforms. The system checks for any insensitive or harmful content and potentially suggests new ideas. 
Brand Image & Color Palette
Protocasting - Website & Mobile App Plugin
Responsible Design
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Responsible Design

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