Natasha Nightmare 的个人资料

Spellbook Apprentice (drawtober 2022)

Spellbook Apprentice (drawtober 2022)
This was a comic/manga style illustration for the third prompt of the Drawtober 2022 challenge, "Spellbook Apprentice".
Once the idea of a magical cat apprentice was settled in my head, I immediately knew how I wanted it to look like and so I used the 3D tools from Clip Studio Paint to build the scene in the exact way I had imagined it. I used photos of my own cat as a reference too, since the idea was to make the witchy cat be him. After that it was a matter of sketching on top, using the line conversion tool on the background books and then inking everything. It took me some time to figure out which color I wanted to use to accent this one, but in the end it came out very nicely.
planning with 3D assets:
final piece:
Spellbook Apprentice (drawtober 2022)


Spellbook Apprentice (drawtober 2022)
