People will not abandon their long, hot shower.  It's a sanctuary.  A place of preparation, relaxation and reflection.  Indulgence enhances that experience, but uses 50% less water.
Indulgence features a rinse-mist-rinse sequence that can be modified at any time.  The shower rinses you for one minute before transitioning into a mist cycle.  The mist lightly sprays for four minutes, keeping you warm while lathering.  To complete the shower it provides a full rinse for two minutes.
The Indulgence shower saves 56% water and energy over a regular showerhead, and 26% over a low-flow shower head.  (3577 & 1022 gallons,respectively, assuming 365 7-minute showers)
Users select their profile button to configure showering preferences (such as temperature, duration, etc.)
We hope that ideas like Indulgence help people develop a greater understanding  of how small changes can make big impacts.


Indulgence is inspired by the soothing experience of a Japanese Onsen, and the water savings of a Navy shower. The mist cycle maintains the spa-l Развернуть


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