Bringing transparency and accountability to enterprises through a shared calendar. We partnered with one of the largest conglomerates in SEA to explore next-gen collaborative software for enterprises. In this concept, we are experimenting with the idea of a shared calendar to bring transparency and accountability to their meetings.

One of the main challenges in large organisations, is aligning all stakeholders on a shared vision, approach and bringing transparency to their progress so each member/team/department stay accountable to their share of work.While designing a large-scale task management software was tempting, we realised it would be almost impossible to onboard each department to a new way of work.
So instead, we aimed to design a tool that served as the common ground between departments/teams/people and their work.
The common link: Meetings. That’s where people from different teams/departments meet, discuss, brainstorm, collaborate and make decisions together.
If we could bring transparency to what was being shared on calls, and accountability to what was being agreed on, we perhaps could solve a meaningful portion of the misalignments in large organisations.
Our aim was to design a shared calendar that integrates with all of their existing tools, to make sharing and collaborating on work easier for teams.
We also wanted to make the onboarding process easier for new members joining a project/team/department. So we created a flexible tag system where people could search for topics, projects on their departments/teams calendar to view meetings that were held, play the recordings, skip to the most highlights of the call, and align on the takeaways.
This was one of the many ideas/concepts we explored as part of our brief-less exploration project (N → XYZ)
[P] N → XYZ


[P] N → XYZ

