Profiel van Mohd Haiza Adli Halim

Interaction elearning page with 3 tabs

Building Interaction e-learning page with 3 menu tabs using 
Articulate Storyline 360
Using Articulate storyline, I manage to build e-learning conceptual template that have 3 menu tabs. Each of the tabs link to different slide that contain "previous" and "next" button. This template suitable used for courses that contain few sub-topic but have heavily points or a lot of text that need to "cut-off" as points.
The main menu
menu 1 main page
menu 1 topic selection menu
menu 1 text pages
pages with pinned interaction
pages with graphs or images
pages with video
This template was uploaded into SCORM by using SCORM 1.2 for LMS's reporting and tracking. You able to test the template by click on this link. Thanks

Interaction elearning page with 3 tabs


Interaction elearning page with 3 tabs
