Book Cover Mock Ups for Crime and Punishment
For my graphic design class this semester I needed to design three different covers for a classic novel. I chose Crime and Punishment because it is one of my favorite books, and I knew there were some interesting themes to work with in the book.
Typography Cover
One of the requirements for this assignment was to do one cover as type only. I had the idea to have the words split in some way to represent the axe that Raskonilkov uses in the book to commit the murders. I made the author line red to continue the theme of dripping blood.
Physical Material Cover
For this cover I was required to use physical materials to create the cover, so I had the idea to use thread to represent the idea of the mental and emotional unraveling that Raskonilkov experiences in the story. I originally planned to have red fabric unraveling, but I ended up liking the metaphor of chaotic string representing the chaos he is experiencing inside.  
Artist's Choice Cover
I had full reign on this cover, and I really wanted to convey the dual themes of fall and redemption, AND death and rebirth. I experimented with a lot of different ideas, but I finally settled on a skull for death and fall, and a flower as the symbol of rebirth and redemption. I was going for kind of a gothic feel, and I think I achieved that goal.
Crime and Punishment Book Mock Ups

Crime and Punishment Book Mock Ups
