Taryn Natvarlal's profile

07 | User Experience (User Interface)

07 | User Experience 
IOW 300.5 User Interface Design 
This project required the analysis and redesign of a single mobile user journey from a mobile site of our choice. The intention of this project was to identify and map out an existing user journey along with any potential future problems or existing possible strengths from a user’s point of view by pinpointing key places for improvements to be made. Research and understanding of the UX principles and usability is key to wireframing a solid layout for users that is easy to understand, visually pleasing, visually engaging and efficient as users' attention spans are limited. Redesigning an improved user journey will help users to navigate their surroundings easier as well as improve activity speeds.

01 | UI Style Guide
03 | Buttons and Components 
04 | Final UI

Strategic Design
This final phase of our chosen website rebrand will take the sketches and medium fidelity wireframes previously made in the User Experience project and apply the newly designed style that presents the website and its brand to ensure a consistent image. Buttons, Icons, Components and colour palettes will be changed to fit the new style guide to complete the transformation of the User Interface as well as building off of the official website's styles guide.

My chosen website: City of Johannesburg 
Process Work
My user journey consists of someone seeking employment who sees the career services on the home screen. This then takes them to thee Job Opportunities page where they can use a filter to choose their working area, then find a suitable contract, then a position in all those criteria and then selecting a job by reading through the requirements. Once that is approve by the user, the user can then apply for said job by filling in the general applicant form and even having the choice to submit a CV. 
Official Website and Re-worked Style Guide
Take a journey with us, and enjoy the speed of satisfaction. Our users are our gold
07 | User Experience (User Interface)

07 | User Experience (User Interface)
