Profilo di Emmanuelle Vanstals

Librairie du centre Ferney-Voltaire

The Central library in Ferney-Voltaire (France) is an independent, cooperative library,
dedicated to all book lovers.

I was contacted to design a roll-up banner that would represent the library in various events (book festivals, literary cafes, conferences, etc.).
The banner is to reflect the spirit of the library: selling all sorts of books for all people, of all ages and from all social origines, races or religions.
Key words: dynamism, openness, colors, desire to read, share and become cultivated.

First, I was to submit three propositions. They liked the idea of having an illustrated banner but were open to other styles and suggestions. Here is what I came up with:
On the first banner, I used their logo as a graphic element. A simple, yet effective, design that would put forward their existing visual identity.
For the second one, I wanted to play with the idea of the cooperative side of the library, showing different persons adding their book to the pile, making it something colorful.
On the last banner I choose to show the variety of the library (book and customer wise) keeping the color tones of the existing visual identity.

They decided to move on with the first banner, which would work well in any circumstances and, being a more classic design, would last well in time. However they wanted to add a bit more color to it. 

I re-worked the banner in two versions, keeping the font (part of their identity) in the first version, choosing a different font for each book genre to make it more dynamic in the second.
The final choice was to keep the original font to be more consistent with their visual identity.
Here is the final banner:
© Librairie du centre Ferney-Voltaire
Thank you for watching!
Librairie du centre Ferney-Voltaire

Librairie du centre Ferney-Voltaire
