Profil appartenant à 陈 卓婧

「 聚 」Public sitting furniture design

根土文化 Root and Earth Culture

Root and soil culture is one of the essence of Chinese family culture, containing the emotional characteristics of Chinese people's love for their country and family, their roots in the countryside and their return to nature.
a. 用篝火/火炉的意向设计休闲区照明灯,坐具为以灯为中心呈围坐形式,模拟过去人们聚在火堆旁,以温馨的情感意向唤起老人心中的美好记忆。
The lighting of the recreation area is designed with the intention of bonfire/fireplace, and the sitting furniture is in the form of sitting around with the lamp as the center, simulating people gathering around the fire in the past, evoking the fond memories in the hearts of the elderly with a warm emotional intention.

 b. 聚拢的、面对面的社交方式,有利于促进邻里交流,维系情感。
Gathered, face-to-face socialization facilitates neighborhood communication and sustains emotions.

c. 更回归自然的、接地气的设施设计有利于发扬“大树根”的根土文化。
The more natural and grounded design of the facility is conducive to the development of the root culture of the "Big Tree Roots".
「 聚 」Public sitting furniture design
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「 聚 」Public sitting furniture design

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