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Crypto Tower Sales Center animation
Crypto Tower has a lot to offer
what is the best way to showcase all these features?

Idea 1- short animation
The short film idea follows a traditional linear storytelling timeline. while he explores crypto tower. we will follow him and his reactions to everything the tower.
story 1

the ape/mascot is visiting crypto tower for the first time, (on vacation/work). the camera follows him as he explores every floor of the tower and we see his reactions as other NFT characters walk around and enjoy what the tower has to offer.
Story 2

A naked monkey is introduced into an empty scene, proceeds to find a camera just to end up making his way through a door taking him to Crypto Tower lobby, monkey would Go wild exploring each floor while being chased by security, after exploring each floor makes his way to a door taking him back to the original area he was at meeting up with his bored ape friends.
story 3

A two minute animated video ad that can be repurposed for short and full length ads that showcases crypto tower with the core theme/idea being the bridge between digital and physical worlds through different art styles in a creative and stylized video.
Idea 2- Advertisement
The Advertisement approach acts more as a presentation of everything the tower has to offer, it does not follow a linear story
Ad 1 

​​​​​​​The NFT character will be more of a presenter here, we will explore the tower as he shows off every room to us. 
Ad 2
This approach acts more as a teaser for crypto tower. there will be a lot of cuts of what each floor has to offer, but in a teaser format so we aren't holding on the scene for too long. the audience will get a glimpse of what crypto tower is rather than a full preview.
Ad 3

This version will have an ape NFT climbing crypto tower, as he reaches the top the monkey waves a sign that displays
(he could be king Kong sized)
Idea 3 - Assortment of animated clips
an assortment of clips that focus more on visuals, these clips will all showcase the rooms of the tower with exciting visuals. 
while the visuals are being displayed, text will pop up explaining the significance of everything on screen, and what the tower has to offer. 

this idea is made to be seamlessly shuffled, every time a clip ends, a new one starts as if following the last one. that way it can be played for hours and not feel like you're rewatching the same video every time.


Art styles
Example 1
Total Duration: 2 minutes

The core theme/idea being the bridge between digital and physical worlds.
Showcasing the merge through two different art styles and a creative and stylized

Scene 1:
We’ve all heard the usual NFT news everyday.
Stylized character scrolling on his computer through various new NFTs.
Nods head as though its the usual rug pulls and crappy NFTs
Comes across CryptoTower (probably something along the lines of Merging the digital and physical worlds)
Character is intrigued and clicks on the crypto tower logo.

Scene 2:
Character derezzed and enters the Cryptotower Walkthrough.
Locations within the CryptoTower are stylized to showcase features and installations within the CryptoTower 

Scene 3:
We start off with the NFT Gallery that showcases a few different NFTs having a sort of a gathering within the gallery.
For eg: BAYC sharing a drink with CryptoPunks and talking while other NFTs are displayed on the screens and they wave at the character.
Sort of like an artists meet up where everyone’s gathered and having a drink.

Scene 4:
 Next the character enters the Exotic SuperCar showroom 
NFT is seated within the car and spinning the keys while the lady selling the car has a bitcoin payment notification on her phone/tablet (trying to showcase that purchases are made through cryptocurrency).

Scene 5:
A short sequence to showcase Gold/Bullion Storage and Precious Metals. (TBD)

Scene 6:
A really short shot of an elevator, with the character about to press the buttons that show the 9 floors of rentable space. (With the elevator sound)
In a similar fashion all other features of the tower are showcased in small animated clips. (Restaurants, Coffee Shop & more) as the character navigates through each.

Scene 7:
Closing sequence:
Character reaches to the outdoor event center, where all the different  NFT characters are having a sort of gathering.

Establishing shot of an active event Centre at Crypto Tower with the character in focus.

Audio synced rapid cut to black screen that says:
All of that coming soon to DMCC, a singular CGI drone shot of Crypto Tower at DMCC (3D). And the character closes the window.
Idea 2
We will have an opening of an area (Disney style far shot) as a monkey is walking across it
He proceeds to stop and look at the camera and starts making its way toward the camera (Waddling).
He starts examining the camera biting it, sniffing it, looking into it and tapping it.
Finally realizes what it is the monkey gets excited about his find and celebrates.
Proceeds to pick up the camera (Everything from here is from the monkey's perspective) 
He would look around using the camera to find a door that standing up on its own. ( We can either have it as the only door in the area or make several doors around)
The monkey would make its way toward the camera and pushes the door open introducing Crypto Tower.
Goes into the door and starts his exploration as he is suddenly found inside of the Crypto Tower lobby.
He looks around as he is surrounded with surprised people and two security guards approaching him.
The Chase begins as he makes his way onto of the diamond hands trying to escape the guards.
Makes his way to the gold Bullion shop running around it viewing the whole shop from his perspective.
Makes his way toward the elevator and gets in and the security guards follow suite.
They are waiting all together in the elevator while the monkey is still filming and the elevator music is playing making it awkward.
The door opens and the monkey legs it making his way into the NFT Gallery entering it.
As soon as he and the security guards enter the security guards enter the NFT Gallery they start browsing the NFT Gallery as if they are customers or viewers of the gallery.
Runs out of the gallery back toward the elevators and it is awkward again so they play rock paper scissors or something to kill time till the next floor.
Makes it finally to the Vault area escaping extra guards that jump him or try to capture him.
He gets into the Vault that is for some reason is open.
He is cornered in the Vault with the guards approaching him and just as they are about to jump him the door appears and jumps into it/The door is already there and he jumps into it and the door disappears.
Back to the first empty plane but this time his friends (Bunch of bored apes) Notice him and call him over to where they are and then he drops the camera and runs toward them.
They fit him out with clothes making him also into a bored ape and they proceed to walk off screen conversing.
We are left with the same shot as the first shot of the opening sequence.

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