Chloe Breeze 的个人资料

Trick photography and special affects-development

Creative Direction 
I have done a multiplicity shot I used the natural light to take this image next time I will use a reflector as there is a shadow on the images to one side of my face.
These images were taken in the university.

Nikon D90 with an ISO setting of 100
Manual setting with a shutter speed of 1/50
I took around 40 different images and chose these three to use as I liked these the most.
This was my first test shot of multiplicity photography i took my ideas from the first three images below, I like the idea of using just three images, because of the natural light there is a shadow to the left side of the image for my next shot i will use a reflector.
I really like this technique with just the arms and or legs I am going to do a test shot like this with props or a different idea to make to image a little more interesting.
The images above show a technique like a muliplicity shot but a little different I really like these images and think they look really effective in black and white I am going to do a test shoot of these photos then chose between them or the previous multiplicity idea for my final image.
Trick photography and special affects-development

Trick photography and special affects-development

Trick photography

