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Lab Grown Delight Project


Thankyou all for your amazing submissions, we're really pleased with how this turned out and it's been a real pleasure to see all your creations.

We will be in contact with the winners and everyone else that submitted something to this project in the coming days with your prizes and discount codes!  

 With no further ado, here are your (mostly) anonymous lab grown delights:

Here is a piano improvisation that I recorded while "experimenting" with a 50 microgram amount of 1P-LSD. ''

''Greetings ! Here's something that I made while researching (with a few post researching finitions, I'll admit) I was having this internal dialogue with myself(ves) and tried to represent what I was feeling at the moment :)''

''Hello team! Absolutely love the work you guys are doing! Please find this design I made while embarking on one of my first research experiments in college. I was listening to this album trying to analyze and visualize its essence and this is what I came up with.''
And now here is the rest of your submissions, in no particular order... 
''I collaged a montage of my photography and graffiti on one of my 5-mapb experiments ''
''I created this after my AMT peak experiment of 60mg succinate from you guys.''
''My friends and I had the best day of the year!!!🥰''
'' NFT research while researching NPS😁😁😁. You guys should do more of this competitions, this one is entitled Researching ego death. It will be part of a nft colection, if u guys like this one, u can have it, rcs from u guys are great for creativity😁😁😁''
''I’ve actually experimented a lot creating animations with AfterEffects while researching 1P-LSD, 1cp-LSD, and also ALD-52!

It’s been some time since last time I researched, but it was a fun time, and also a little bit challenging.
I’m attaching some links of my creations while on expanded perceptions:''

''Hi there! I’m enclosing a drawing of a weird looking mushroom which my friend did while researching aMT for the first time. It was drawn pretty quickly, but I think it is worth seeing :D Enjoy!''
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''so this is my entry to the contest, it's copper sulfate crystal i made like a month ago''
''Here is the creation that I present to you for the grown delights lab; competition ;  it is a canvas of 162 x 100 cm. I realized it one evening while experimenting strongly with the DCK!  It's called "I have CrrrArrrarrgggAAARGH".  It came to me on my way home from a run, the blank canvas was hanging on my wall, I had some posca and black acrylic, and I just went wild.'' 
''I love drawing during my researches. Hope you like it a bit.''
''a while ago during some 1v-lsd research I didn't have any blank pieces of paper, so I decided to paint on this simple tote bag. it might look like I was in two totally different states when I made the two sides, but I was actually doing great the whole time! hope you enjoy it!''
Lab Grown Delight Project

Lab Grown Delight Project
