All for women
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:12 minutes
Country of Filming:Algeria
Shooting Format:Numérique
Aspect Ratio:16/9
Film Color:Color

Strong stories are told through his work! It sheds light on the beauty of the planet! His paintings have been the subject of several books. Twelve minutes to learn all about the life and work of Farid Benyaa: an Algerian architect and visual artist who dedicated all his works to women! A portrait signed by Mohamed Ait Hamou

Des histoires fortes sont racontées à travers ses oeuvres! il met la lumière sur la beauté de la planète! Ses tableaux ont fait l’objet de Plusieurs ouvrages...Douze minutes pour tout savoir sur la vie et l’œuvre de Farid benyaa: Un architecte et artiste plasticien algérien qui a dédié toutes ses oeuvres à la femme ! Un portrait signé Mohamed Ait Hamou
All for women

All for women

