We live in an era full of technology in which the speed of life is untimely. Our life revolves around the work we do throughout the week. But we also live in a time of change that allows us to create new realities for happiness and quality time with our families.

In recent years, working life has changed for everyone. As a result of this, The Reset Co. under the certification of "Flexible Expert" created Shift, our flexible work modality.

The flexible work schedule model is intended to modify the conventional morphology of work schedules that have been established for decades. The new labor demands require methodologies that modify the obsolete dynamics of conventional workdays to make the activities of work teams more efficient.

Adopting new methodologies allows us to "change" to adapt, to change to become more efficient. Our key word is "CHANGE".

Change the Status Quo in the work dynamics. This is the reason why our scheme is called: SHIFT.

The Shift model has 3 modalities that allow us to customize the individual days of each team member according to their needs.

Shift by RESET is the work flexibility model that we built for our work team and that allows us to make the workday more efficient and comfortable.

We created SHIFT, our new methodology designed for our most important asset: The people.

Erika Múzquiz
Julian Iñiguez

Erika Múzquiz
Julian Iñiguez


