Susan the Box
I built Susan as my first woodworking project. It is a 5 sided box, with her open side being the front-facing one. She’s on stilts. To build her I used 2 butt joints, 1 Miter joint, 2 finger joints (one with 3 and 4 fingers, and the other with 1 and 2), and 2 half dovetails. Her issues were that the original wood was warped, so some of the joints were a bit wider than they should have, and also, I made a mistake sizing the top piece, so I had to resize the whole box a bit smaller (I didn’t account for the width of the slabs of wood on that one top piece). In the end, I glued everything more for safety than anything else, as the tolerances were mostly just right. I had tons of fun building her, and I’m even giving her use as a stand and small shelve. I got to play with all the tools I wanted to play with, and I don’t know if it’s the serotonin of finishing my first woodworking project, but I love her.
Susan the Box
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Susan the Box

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