In November 2022, a Chinese restaurant named ‘Pixiu’ opened on Union Street in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture. I was involved from before the opening, not only in the logo design but also in creating business cards, signage, social media marketing, menus, and promotional novelties. I had the opportunity to be involved in the total branding.
Initially, the consultation was for a ‘Chinese-style pub aimed at people in their 20s and 30s.’ However, as we progressed with our interviews, we realized that what was truly desired might be a more serene establishment targeting a slightly older demographic. Consequently, the concept was revised, leading to the current design.
There are four patterns of the logo, each with a designated use.
This is a promotional video for the store that was created for social media management. The logo has been animated for the video.
These are stickers that were created to commemorate the opening. They were gone in no time.
This is a disposable tablecloth. It was designed to prominently feature the restaurant’s logo when dishes are uploaded to social media. Additionally, its disposability is intended to simplify the staff’s operations.
This is an image for Instagram. The Instagram feed is designed to serve a role similar to a menu. The daily dissemination of information is intended to be conducted through stories.




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