Profil von Zoe Brookes

Development Support for BioShock DLC B & C

Though my focus has never been UI design, I did support the development team for BioShock Infinite's Burial At Sea DLC (part one and two) by creating some assets.
Above: utilizing textures already created by the development artists (marble flooring, wall paneling, etc.), I created some art deco menus for use in the main menu.
Above are the fully implimented menus with the type and navigation built on top (note, I did not impliment).
I also provided support arranging the loading screen for both DLC B and DLC C (both parts to Burial At Sea). This consisted of requesting assets from the Editor, placing them in a way that does not impact future text or screen placement, and adding loads of atmosphere and lighting via Photoshop. Above is the loading screen from Burial At Sea: Episode One, taken from a playthrough.
Above is the loading screen for Episode Two before implimentation, so you can see what spaces were left open for copy. In some cases, assets were not available, so we used real-world objects with photography and photoshop tricks. I won't reveal which assets are photos.
I was asked to join a brainstroming session for the alert icon design, where I sketched out various progression images ranging from simple lightning bolts to full deco shapes.
Development Support for BioShock DLC B & C

Development Support for BioShock DLC B & C

Several of the development support projects I made for BioShock Infinite's DLC: Burial At Sea (Episode One and Two).
