Original footage by Jochem Crab / edited by Gauthier Bossuyt

The Arcade - Showreel
Together with two other students, I created "The Arcade," a video game-themed live visual show as part of the "Live Visuals & Motion Capture" course. We started by creating a mixtape with numerous soundtracks or video game-related music. Then, we continued the preparations by gathering all the equipment, storyboarding, and planning the show's layout. Next, we divided the shots between the three of us. My responsibility was to create the footage for "Hotline Miami," "Undertale," "Minecraft," and partially the "SuperHot," "No Man's Sky," and "Tetris" visuals. During the show, I was in charge of controlling and mapping the visuals. Through this project, I could improve my knowledge of After Effects and apply everything I learned during the "Live Visuals & Motion Capture" course, such as motion capture, video mapping, and synchronizing numerous systems through protocols such as NDI or MIDI.

In both my showreel and the full video I highlighted my part within the projects.

The Arcade - Full Live Visual Show
Video edited by Jochem Crab

The Arcade - Behind the Scenes
Video edited by Jochem Crab
This project was created in collaboration with Axel Viaene & Jochem Crab.
The Arcade

The Arcade

The arcade is a Live Visual show made with two other students (Axel Viaene & Jochem Crab) as part of the "Live Visuals & Motion Capture" course. Read More
