Gabriella Gouveia profili

Marie Claire UK + Vichy

Marie Claire UK + Vichy Cosmetics: The Hormone Hub
Marie Claire UK partnered with Vichy Cosmetics to create and launch a new Marie Claire Hormone Hub that will demystify and destigmatize topics related to women's health and empower women with the information they need to live full and healthy lives. 

The Hormone Hub is a comprehensive search and expert-driven guide to women's health covering the 3 main areas of women's reproductive lives - periods, fertility and menopause and everything in between. 

The Hub we will be having 16 articles and I was invited to create 16 Lead illustrations for each one of them. Our goal with the artwork was to carry very positive connotations around menopause; so we can inform and empower women but also tell them that this is a completely normal process to go through and that there is life (and good life!) after menopause.​​​​​​​

Project: Marie Claire UK + Vichy
Illustrations: Gabriella Gouveia
Art/Creative Direction: Paul Frost, Tom Chase
Articles: Marie Claire UK
Illustration Highlights
Website Highlights
Thank you! <3


Marie Claire UK + Vichy
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Marie Claire UK + Vichy

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