is a research project
based on an original metaphor for the relation of clothes with place / landscape / public space

a structure or building
that is built to honor a special person or event
an old building or place
that is an important part of a country’s history
the MONUMENT “debate” was born from an architectural approach that understands the veneration object as something static,
generally stuck to a certain moment in time and space, as an antique . consequently MONUMENT is perceived as a formal piece 
that does not have the ability to evolve over time, as a state of permanence within a world of change
translating the idea of MONUMENT into the context of fashion was motivated by a critical approach towards the discipline,
towards the operation of the fashion system . the glorification of trendy seasonal content, for example, suggested some kind of
resemblance with the MONUMENT veneration . the big gap between these two relies in the embodiment of time – as in fashion everything is ephemeral, and MONUMENTs are almost eternal . this behavioral opposition is the central point upon which this investigation was built
(noun) OBJECT 
a thing that you can see or touch
but that is not usually a living animal, plant, or person
the fashion system theory can, at last, be compared to what happened in Las Vegas: a Tabula Rasa project that saw the Route 91 become the archetype of the commercial strip, made for a fast “car ride” perception . the speed, the ever-changing signs and the overwhelming landscape, present to the viewer a “facade reality” – an ephemeral symbology that is but a deceiving coverage for a very
raw and static interior
an imagery series, depicting a fictional scenario, where seasonal looks are part of the loud advertising occupying The Strip, in Las Vegas, establish the critic of the MONUMENT as an Object . the symbols and icons, being constantly discarded and replaced, can easily welcome the last fashion trends, in an environment where the viewer/ client can easily choose without much consideration or attention . the fast window “shopping” (that ended up defining a whole city) is therefore the metaphor for the frivolous production of ephemeral objects without meaning
the distorted aspect of the imagery is the result of an unexpected mistake that happened when scanning the original collages . the fact that it happened only elevated the work further, as it embraced the imperfection of the work process, where manual and digital collide and merge
imagery sources .
Las Vegas imagery from Google Street View
Moschino AW ’14 collection by Jeremy Scott, worn by Anna dello Russo, from street style blogs
main reference piece . Learning From Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form (1972)
Robert Venturi . Denise Scott Brown . Steve Izenour
Cambridge, London: The MIT Press
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MONUMENT is the result of a critical reflection on the subject of clothing in relation to time and site . built through an architectural approach Ver mais

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