Pose #9 - Disgust
This is a tall male border collie with a slim figure and a picky appetite. He has large floppy ears and a scruff of hair on his head. His build is a result of his selective meals and often times refuses to eat more than two meals a day. He recently tried a new food joint that opened and ordered a small meal from their menu. After getting his food, he realized it was served to him in a greasy bag. The smell caught him by surprise, and he was disgusted by what was served to him. He ended up throwing the food away, but not without nearly vomiting in his mouth. In the first pose, he's holding his stomach while he's covering his mouth. In the second pose, he has two fingers on his nose to try and block the smell from the bag he's holding away from him. In the final pose, he's kneeling on the ground with his tongue sticking out, shivering in disgust. 



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