Pose 1
This character is a young man named Jeff, about 23 years old.  Fresh out of college, he’s trying with mixed success to keep his life together.  He has gotten skinny on how little he’s been able to afford to eat.  
This morning, however, he has a job interview that could potentially fix everything.  While getting his breakfast ready, Jeff suddenly realizes that the bananas in his fridge are rotten to the core.  Keeping as far away from his nose as possible, he disposes of the rotten bananas like they were radioactive waste.  Guess he’ll have to go hungry for now. 
He covers his mouth and nose to keep himself from vomiting and to keep out the nasty smells. He’s bending over, trying not to puke while he holds the bananas as far away from him as possible.  These bananas are shoved right in the viewer’s face in all their wrinkly glory.  

Pose 2
Jeff has gotten his day started without breakfast and is walking to his job interview.  He’s dressed in an uncomfortable dress shirt and tie that’s slowly strangling him.  Suddenly, he is accosted by an obnoxious petitioner in the plaza.  
Jeff is magnetically repelled by the petitioner’s presence.  He couldn’t care less about whatever they’re trying to get him to sign.  He just wants to be left alone and unbothered.  His intolerance for strangers and sour mood is almost misanthropic. 
The petitioner has approached Jeff from his side.  In response, he jumps up and recoils like a pile of garbage fell from the sky and landed with a loud thud.  His face is equal parts disgusted, shocked and angered. 

Pose 3
Jeff is back at home in a tank top and boxers after a long day.  Jeff’s job interview ended with a rote “we’ll keep in touch”.  In his mind, he’s already lost his chance.  It’ll be at least another two months of bread and peanut butter for every meal.
And to make matters worse, there’s a massive roach in his bathroom.  Without thinking, he raises his foot to do the job.  His disgust and bitterness gives way to wrath, about to be taken out on that unfortunate roach.  
Jeff’s sandal-clad foot is poised above the oblivious roach, which is about to be flattened like a pancake.  From the roach's point of view, Jeff is a giant whose only priority is to kill it.  That sense of danger is expressed by how exaggerated Jeff's size and pose is.
Pose 9 - Disgust

Pose 9 - Disgust


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