Profilo di Aaron Marzwell

History of Affordable Housing Programs in the US

Aaron Marzwell received his MS in real estate development from Columbia University in 2006. He joined CIM Group shortly after and served as its vice president for 7 years, during which he oversaw the completion of several real estate development projects. Leveraging his experience as a developer, Aaron Marzwell now serves as CEO of APPA Real Estate, a Los Angeles-based company that provides individuals with housing at affordable rates.

Affordable housing initiatives spawned from the Housing Act of 1949 and have benefited from constant legislative modification and improvement, which led to the creation of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. Since 1949, the U.S. government's public assets have been developed and rehabilitated into public housing for low-income individuals.

Using government-owned lands for public housing programs lessened available public resources. Despite the limited resources, the demand for low-income housing continued to increase. To address this problem, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 made several modifications, such as providing subsidies for low-income households. With this funding, many low-income households were able to rent apartments from private landlords.
History of Affordable Housing Programs in the US

History of Affordable Housing Programs in the US


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