Yun-Xuan Yangs profil

The Gradual Drench without a Focus_Visual Design

The Gradual Drench without a Focus: Solo Photography Exhibition_Visual Design

The Gradual Drench without a Focus
Photography Exhibition by Yun-Xuan Yang

Recollecting process is like getting repeatedly drenched without a focus.

The moment a photo is taken also declares the death of a certain sentiment.

Nothing truly stays in the process of re-fermentation through the developing of a roll of film. Gazing into the image is not gazing into its essence.

What I want to mourn for is the impulse of pressing the shutter while I was holding a camera; I’d like to trace the trajectory of fading impulses, to recollect all the emotions I had, and to be drenched in the sorrow over and over again.

The Gradual Drench without a Focus_Visual Design


The Gradual Drench without a Focus_Visual Design
