Sequence Project
This is a series of short animations using a slime in different ways
This is some of the basic blocking and setup for where I had planned for the slime to travel
This is the rendition looks like, I wanted to keep the background simple to keep the emphasis on the slime. I wanted to experiment with an abstract background but decided against it since I thought I thought it wouldn't make much sense unless I had the slime propelling off abstract shapes or lines.
This shows the basic path of the slime and the path of the ball although I slightly corrected it later because that path doesn't line up in a way that makes sense.
With this animation I wanted to express what would happen if something had collided with the slime. 
This one was the most interesting for me because I took heavy inspiration from like the anime sword swing when you get cut the it takes a second to realize you've actually been killed.
Then this is what it looks like fully animated.
Sequence Project

Sequence Project


