Perfil de Widgets & Stone

Coloring Outside the Lines

Coloring Outside the Lines
Tucker Build Office Graphics
Tucker Build is a commercial construction team, made up of design-build specialists. They know every project is unique, and that's why they break the mold again and again for their clients. Tucker Build’s expertise is in bespoke planning, managing, and building. Their process is defined by the specifics of each project and their job is to think of everything.

Widgets & Stone captured this sensibility when we created the Tucker Build identity, and we sought to expand upon it in the design of the graphics for their new office. Designed by architect Hugh Newell Jacobsen, the office embodied a clean, Modernist minimalism. Our team embraced that style and expanded on it in our approach to environmental graphics.

The office is decorated with standoff black and white photographs of Tucker Build’s work, accentuated with bright swatches of red and orange that break the edges and spill across the walls. The results are dynamic, yet with a bit of restraint that ties the space together, across hallways and rooms.
Creative Direction: Paul Rustand; Art Direction & Design: Mark Walter; Fabrication, Printing & Installation: Steven Eddy, PSS.
Coloring Outside the Lines

Coloring Outside the Lines
