Maria Sejrs profil

Danmarks Medie & Journalisthøjskole, Praktik, Forsvaret

Photos, videos and graphic material is produced during my internship at the Danish Defends / Forsvarskommandoen.

Copyright: Forsvarskommandoen 
The following two videos is produced and edited during my stay in Greenland, at Station Nord. The first video includes a voiceover and video materials achieved by me. The second video includes an interview achieved by me, video materials and photos are taken by the stationsspecialists.​​​​​​​ 
The following video is produced and edited during a week long military exercise and in collaboration with two co-interns. 
The voiceover and the editing of this final video is achieved by me. 
The following video is produced, edited and includes an interview achieved by me.
The following photos is taken by me during different military exercise and shorter productions. They were used for postings on social media or pick up by the press. 

I made a new graphic expression for their internship posting. 
Danmarks Medie & Journalisthøjskole, Praktik, Forsvaret


Danmarks Medie & Journalisthøjskole, Praktik, Forsvaret
