Owner: IMPETRO Gear
We are mountain sports enthusiasts, who designed something completely new!
We always wanted a versatile, ergonomic and fully featured backpack for all our mountain sports. We finally developed our own concept because nothing on the market fulfilled our wishes.

We started the whole project back in February 2017 during a long car drive. We started talking about backpacks... and 33 months later, we were launching our first Kickstarter campaign. We went through hours upon hours of talking, trying, failing, but in the end, always with the same goal in mind ; we made it all the way here.

On this side project, I was one of the co-founders (with Jeremy) and also responsible of the design, heavily involved in the development as well as the visualisation for the Kickstarter content you can see below.
This beautiful adventure ended for us earlier this year (2022) after many learnings, discoveries, joys and deceptions.
This was one of the most challenging and at the same time exciting profesional endeavor I untertook. And thanks to the help of Jeremy, Daniela, Luke and many others, we manged to create a brand around a product, on our own.
IMPETRO Gear still lives, but we now sold the company to new north american owners.

You can see below the full Kickstarter campaign, and also a few images of the project presentation on this page.
Some early exploration sketches to nail down the concept by defining more clearly the different features of our 3 starting packs
This was the essence of our brand. We strived to develop the best product possible, because we wanted those products, and also wanted you to enjoy them. 

