Despina Kaneva 님의 프로필

Winning Project at Design Competition

FreeДОМ – Winning Project at Design Competition
The Intimate City: Dining in the Urban Design Competition organised by TU Delft

In 2020 together with arch. Boris Netsov we took part in Тhе Intimate City: Dining in the Urban – Design Competition which was organised by TU Delft. Our entry "FreeДОМ" was selected at first place.
The competition 
aimed to bring ideas for exploration of domestic rituals of cooking that had to take place within Mother Teresa Park in Skopje, North Macedonia.

Our concept included three main zones within the Mother Teresa Park in Skopje: Introduction, Togetherness and Intimacy. They were explored in the spatial context between the public and the private.
Proposal for Future Development of Mother Teresa Park, Skopje 
Plan 1:500
Our project stood out with its ideas, illustrations and visual identity. The illustration represents the connection between the restrictions and the tension of the city and the privacy of your own home and opens the door between them in order to invite you to share your knowledge, local products and ingredients, chairs, ideas and stories with the community.

Our imagination went even further and we implemented some of the Shared Economy principles for more democratic use of the place based on the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party scene from Alice in Wonderland (2010). 
We designed a dining space where you are invited to bring your own chair and share it with the community for common use. Each of the chairs represents certain human archetype that you can find on the following image.
Proposal for dining table inspired by the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party scene from Alice in Wonderland (2010)
The project was published in KooZArch – one of the most interesting architectural digital platforms.
Instagram: The Intimate City
Thanks for watching! ​​​​​​​
Winning Project at Design Competition


Winning Project at Design Competition
