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Online Marriage/Online Nikah | In just 20-22 Minutes

Muslim Nikah Online: What You Need to Know

Online Nikah in Pakistan
The process of getting married through an online nikah starts with selecting a husband or wife. You need to make sure that you are talking to a real individual and not a fraudster. During the meeting, you can make sure that there is no problem with his or her character.

Online Nikah in Islam 
Online nikah in Islam is valid if its conditions are met on both sides. It is an option for those who may not be physically able to make the journey to their local mosque or other Islamic community center. As long as you and your wife have access to internet and are married in accordance with the rules of Islam, then your nikah will be recognized by all Muslims, regardless of whether it was performed online or otherwise.
Online nikah in Islam is available for any Muslim that possesses the requirements of marriage (both parties must be adult, sane and free).

The Purpose of Online Nikah in Islam 
Online nikah in Islam is a way to get married. A Muslim woman can also marry a man without physically meeting him, and while this idea may seem odd to some, it is perfectly acceptable under Islamic law. The purpose behind online nikah in Islam is to have a strong marriage that lasts for years or even decades. This type of marriage comes with its own set of challenges, but when done correctly it can bring great happiness and peace into both partners' lives.
Online nikah in Islam does not replace traditional marriages performed in person; instead, it serves as an alternative for those who cannot afford or do not wish to go through all the steps necessary for such an event (including finding someone willing). It's important that you understand all about online nikah before deciding whether or not this particular method suits your needs best!

Online Nikah in Islam is Available for any Muslim 
Online nikah in Islam is available for any Muslim that possesses the requirements of marriage. If you are a Muslim who has reached the age of maturity and you have not yet been married, then you can register for an online nikah account. If you are a girl or boy who is not engaged, then you can also register for an online nikah account.
Your Online Nikah Authencity 
As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. It is true that you can learn a lot about someone by checking their social media accounts and profile on a marriage website. You can also ask people who know both sides well and are familiar with them to help find out if it's true or fake nikah in Islam.

The Process of Getting Married Through an Online Nikah 
The process of getting married through an online nikah starts with selecting a husband or wife.
You should be looking for someone who is compatible with you and shares the same faith as well as religious views.
Once you have selected your prospective spouse, it is important that the two of you meet each other in person so that there are no surprises later on in life when things start getting serious between both families.
If after meeting each other and having talked about various issues including finances, family backgrounds, etc., then it may be possible to move forward with further discussions on whether or not they wish to proceed toward marriage even though they have not yet met face-to-face in reality (i`tikaf).

During the Meeting, You can Judge Your Partner Easily
The best way to ensure that you are talking to a real person is by meeting them in person. During the meeting, you can make sure that you are talking to a real individual and not a fraudster.
Do not give out any personal information such as your address, phone number, or email address until you have met the individual face-to-face for verification purposes. Avoid giving away any money or gifts until after verifying the identity of this person. Also avoid having meetings with strangers who cold call at home or work place seeking marriage proposals without first confirming their identity through independent sources such as friends, family members, etc.,

You Can Plan a Meeting with Your Spouse
If there are no problems with his or her character, you can plan a meeting and invite him or her to your house. Avoid having the first meeting alone with the person you want to marry. Rather, it should be at a public place where there are many people and your family members can observe the interaction between the two of you.

An Online Nikah in Islam: Exchanging Gifts between Families
Once you and your partner have decided to get married, the next major step is exchanging gifts between families. In this tradition, the groom’s family gives a gift to the bride’s family as a sign of respect and appreciation for their daughter. The purpose of this gift exchange is to confirm that both families agree on the marriage, since it would not be appropriate for either side to accept a proposal without confirming that both sides are on board with it.
The gift exchange does not need to be expensive: it can simply be something small like flowers or chocolates! However, if you really want to go all out with your nikah sangeet party planning then here are some ideas for gifts you might consider offering:
A pair of gold bangles or earrings (if they wear jewelry)
A bottle of perfume (if they wear perfume)
A set of decorative plates (if they enjoy decorating their home)

Online Nikah: Your Mental Connection and Physical Intimacy 
To get married, two individuals need to be mentally and physically connected. It is important for them to have a connection as well as physical intimacy through online nikah in Islam.
If you want to make your marriage successful, it's essential that you understand the importance of trust between spouses. You should also agree on things like whether or not you will be working, or even where the couple will live after the wedding ceremony is over. If both partners don't feel comfortable with these issues, then they may face problems later down the line in their relationship with one another!
Your Online Marriage is Complete after the Wedding Ceremony
The Nikah (Islamic marriage) is not complete if it does not involve the consent of both parties. It is only valid if the girl and her guardian agree to it, or they give their consent. If a girl gives her consent but her guardian refuses, then the Nikah will not be valid until he also agrees to it.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “A woman may not give herself in marriage except with the permission of her guardian” [Al-Bukhaari]. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also said: “It is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to sell herself in marriage without first consulting her custodian” [Abu Dawood].

Online Nikah: An Excellent Way to Get Married
Online nikah in Islam is an excellent way to get married. It saves the time and money of both sides and helps you experience love at first sight. The process of getting married through an online nikah starts with selecting a husband or wife. During the meeting, you can make sure that you are talking to a real individual and not a fraudster. If there are no problems with his or her character, you can plan a meeting and invite him or her to your house. Another important step in doing an online nikah in Islam is by exchanging gifts between families. In order to gain trust between spouses, it is important to have a mental connection as well as physical intimacy through online nikah in Islam.

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Online Marriage/Online Nikah | In just 20-22 Minutes

Online Marriage/Online Nikah | In just 20-22 Minutes

