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SENSUS modular process monitoring system

modular process monitoring system

Today's machinery is extremely complex in terms of construction and monitoring. Even the smallest deviations in the production process can not only paralyze production for an uncertain period of time, but also render entire batches unsaleable. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the machines permanently in order to detect deviations at an early stage and to be able to intervene.

No industrial machine is the same, often they are completely unique machine parks designed for the production of only one product. Here Sensus tries to provide a simple solution for monitoring such complex machine parks.
The Sensus system consists of various individual modules that can be individually assembled and retrofitted to meet the needs of each machine.

The modules themselves contain the sensor technology and the computing units required for this, they function independently and only need to be connected to the network and an external power source to be able to read out the collected data. Each module has several status LEDs, which can indicate problems and failures as quickly as possible. Furthermore, the modules have service doors to quickly fix hardware failures. Last but not least, each module has a USB-C port which is used for analog data readout.

In the example shown here, four different modules are shown:
(Top Left) LIDAR Sensor Module
(Top Right) HUB Module with WLAN chip and more interfaces.
(Bottom Left) Microphone Module
(Bottom Right) Camera/Thermal Camera Module

There is to be a constantly growing selection of sensors or modules for every application, which are always state of the art. This means that outdated modules can be replaced with modern ones and existing Sensus systems can be expanded.

The modules are designed in such a way that they can be assembled as easily and quickly as possible and exchanged again in an emergency without requiring specially trained personnel.
Sensus can be mounted both stationary and flexible.

The gimball mount allows with its three axes a larger sensor coverage of the machine and a millimeter accurate alignment of the sensors to generate optimal data. The gimball arm is also used for data transmission, with built-in LAN port Sensus can be connected to the existing network and wired properly.
The stand has only one axis on which it can rotate 360 °, but is easy to assemble and thus allows an ultra flexible application.
Felix Monza is always interested in new client projects. For business inquiries feel free to contact us via phone or email at hello@felixmonza.com.
SENSUS modular process monitoring system


SENSUS modular process monitoring system
