2022 I Illustrator

Brief In the context of the Graphic Design and Infographics course, part of the Master's program in Graphic Design and Editorial Projects at Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, the task was to create an infographic poster that specifically addresses and analyzes the relationships between the field of Design in the business sector and the number of graduates in Portugal.

Answer "Ao ponto de..." is an infographic designed to showcase the graduation statistics in the different areas of design in Portugal for the 2019/2020 period. The goal was to ensure instant comprehension, achieved through the incorporation of Portugal's map and colors as distinctive elements, resulting in a visually engaging and easily comprehensible aesthetic.
​​​​​​​Recognition The "Ao Ponto de" poster was featured in the DesignOBS exhibition titled "For a Design Observatory in Portugal - Situation" held at FBAUL in December 2021. It played a role in a promotional event for the observatory project and was also included in the book "Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication: Research, Innovations, and Best Practices."

Role in the group In particular, within the group, my responsibility was to design the entire infographic, except for the explanatory text. However, this project showcased the contributions of Ana Gabriela Sousa and Miguel Gomes and was developed under the supervision of Marta Fernandes.
Ao ponto de ...

Ao ponto de ...
