Carl Nielsen's profile

What I did in Vietnam

One year in Vietnam, November 1969 to November 1970.
I was an English language instructor at a military school in Saigon.
I lived at a place known to us at the time as MACV annex. An in country R and R site. These are just a few of the pictures I have from my stay there. 35 mm color slides, scanned and repaired in Photoshop. Some are of me, others are not.
She was selling balloons.
Its only a 50 cc Yamaha, but it would do 100 kph. It was great transportation, put in $6.00 worth of gas over the year I owned it and replaced two spark plugs. Sold it for what I paid for it.
Wish I still had those abs...
going out to take some pictures...
Must have had a letter from home...
Living quarters?
A Saigon Park...
What I did in Vietnam

What I did in Vietnam

A few photographs from my year in Vietnam, scanned and restored from 35 mm slides.
