This model is a symbolic representation of my current Thesis Project for Design 10 which is located in Alexandra Township, Johannesburg, South Africa. Once known as the “dark city” due to the scarce electricity, Alexandra Township now has hundreds of thousands of residents occupying an area designed for less than 70,000 making the problems of scarce electricity, high unemployment, crime, drug use and proper housing at an all-time high. With over 20,000 of illegal informal dwellings and shacks one of the main themes of the township is that there is not adequate infrastructure to serve the extremely high density amounts of people that Alexandra has acquired in the past years.
Thesis Statement: An effective infrastructure responds to the dynamic urban conditions.
Model Materials: Recycled Palet Wood, Copper Wire, & Nails
Inspiration, Alexi K, Cognitive Polygraph (Woman Disrobing), 2013 (Pen & Ink)
Thesis Model

Thesis Model

Design 10 Thesis Project


Sectores creativos