Artificial Symbiosis | 2022​​​​​​​

The concept of symbiosis is a biologically based concept meaning "coexistence". Creating symbiotic relationships, artificial intelligence unites the space and the user in a single organism. The symbiotic relationship between artificial intelligence and space and space experiences creates hybrid spaces.
O Beauty! My Beauty! Mystical, magical, divine muse – animal, visceral, ugly. Bipolar hybrid: cyborg, chimera, siren, faun, mermaid, minotaur, sphinx; shapeshifting therianthrope; androgynous, ardhanarishvara. As agile as fragile, you seduce all into chasing you, conscious never to capture you forever.                               
                                                                                                                                  Marjan Colletti
Artificial Symbiosis


Artificial Symbiosis
