Inspired by The Readies, a story by Bob Brown (read at the urging of Ben Shaykin), the Reading Machine is a device that helps you read faster.
“Though we have advanced from Gutenberg’s movable type through the linotype and monotype to photo-composing we still consult the book in its original archaic form as the only oracular means we know for carrying the word mystically to the eye. “A simple reading machine which I can carry or move around, attach to any old electric light plug and read hundred thousand word novels if I want to, and I want to.” My machine is equipped with controls so the reading record can be turned back or shot ahead, a chapter reread or the happy ending anticipated.”

— Bob Brown, 1929
March 2013.
Reading Machine

Reading Machine

I had the pleasure of taking Ben Shaykin's Booklab, a studio in the Graphic Design Department that explored aspects of the book. My Reading Machi Leggi di più
