Year: 2021
Project: Travel Magazine Publication 
Throughout the project, I showcased my competency in basic typography and layout design, ensuring that the text was visually appealing and easy to read. 
I also demonstrated my creativity by ideating and executing a distinctive masthead logo that captured the essence of the theme and added visual interest to the magazine.

In terms of layout design, I employed creative methods to organize and present the content in an engaging and coherent manner. I carefully considered the flow of information, incorporating captivating visuals alongside informative text to create a compelling reading experience for the audience.

Meticulous attention to detail was a priority throughout the assignment, as 
I strived to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all deliverables. 
This involved thorough proofreading, double-checking the alignment of elements, and confirming the proper placement of photographs and text 
within the magazine.
ROAM Magazine


ROAM Magazine
