Perfil de Bhushan Agrawal

Hindu Vedic Cosmology

Bhagavad Gita : Chapter 10, Verse 33

"Aksharanam a-karo 'smi dvandvah samasikasya cha
aham evakshayah kalo dhataham vishvato-mukhah"


I am the beginning "A" amongst all letters; I am the dual word in Grammatical Compounds. I am the endless time, and amongst creators I am Brahma.

Concepts: According To Hindu Vedic Cosmology.

"Here is no absolute start to time, as it is considered infinite and cycle. Similarly, The space and universe has neither start nor end, Rather it is cyclical. The current universe is just the start of a present cycle preceded by an infinite number of universes and to be followed by another Infinite number of universes.
The Dominant theme in Puranic Hindu Cosmology, State Chapman and Driver, is of cycles and repetition. There are multiple universes, each takes birth from chaos, Grows, Decays and dies into chaos, to be  Reborn Again. Further, There are different and parallel Realities." 

Hindu Vedic Cosmology


Hindu Vedic Cosmology
