Zeebo Foot Camp
Interface design and concept art
Zeebo Foot Camp is a party game oriented towards younger players and family, supporting up to 8 players. The game setting is a small soccer field in a suburbian area where you can learn how to be a soccer player. Players can use their "zeeboids", a customized avatar of the Zeebo system and gain skills for playing one of the 4 modalities. These gained skills can be used in the next game of the series, called "Super Liga", which features real matches.

In this project, I've worked as concept artist and in the menu's design.

Zeebo Foot Camp is owned by Zeebo Inc.

This menu was some challenge, as the technology behind it was developed in-house at the same time the menu was being implemented and was much bigger than earlier Zeebo games menus, needing to support a bunch of features (8 players, avatars, records, online records, skills) and yet, had to be acessible and simple.
The art style drastically changed in relation to Zeebo Extreme to reflect the new company objective towards more casual players, so the style is more simple, clean and bright.

The fallowing screens are concepts of the menu and they are slightly different in the final version.
The main menu.
Screen showing the avatar skills.
Screen to add players to a championship.
Screen to choose which minigames will be at the championship.
Screen to choose between seeing local records or online records from ZeeboNet.
The records table, showing online records and where the users of this Zeebo are placed (the ones in yellow).
This is the menu final version running on a Zeebo.
Concept Art

These are concepts for the two scenarios: a small soccer field in the suburbs and the Copacabana sidewalk, in Rio de Janeiro.As mentioned earlier, we wanted the game to be more casual and with a lighter feel than Zeebo Extreme series. Another concern was to make a art style that fit better with the hardware capabilities, since Zeebo could not handle high polygon counts or high resolution textures.
A video demonstrating gameplay from the final game on a Zeebo console.
Zeebo Foot Camp

Zeebo Foot Camp

User interface and concept art for Zeebo Foot Camp, a game for the Zeebo videogame console.
