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Stir It Up (Women Equality Day Campaign)

Mailed samples with campaign information.
To start off our movement, we have collaborated with vendors that provide samples particularly to women (beauty household products, feminine products, etc). We encourage them to stick our logos on objectification of women in advertisements, which they find offensive. After, they can submit those images to our website and rant about the discrimination of women in all aspects of society. By doing this, we have successfully stirred up the first stage of women voicing their feelings.
Rant On! Website, phone app and social media pages.
When entering upon our website, we have a “Rant Here” comment box for women to express their frustrations along with their offensive found images. Other rants can be browsed throughout the site, which will cause women to fight against social injustice. There will also be links to our social media sites such as YouTube and Facebook.
Hidden camera scenes 
We will then gather the most common rant and create a situation that will do the same thing against men in a hidden camera type of setting. For instance, women don’t like it when men touch them without consent. So we will find a place where many men work (ie: construction site) and have a woman reenact the very same scene to a worker to see his response. 
Afterwards, an interview will take place asking how the worker felt and use that to bring up social discriminations women face. The whole entire hidden camera and interview will be uploaded on YouTube and vimeo many people can watch the process.
To launch our campaign to the general public, we used the submitted ads that objectified women with our logo stickers to them.
Store front advertising with spa demonstration forecasting Women Equality Day.
To make women feel appreciated on Women Equality Day, they will have a work/home strike and get away from everything by taking a rest at spas, beauty pampers, and receiving the treatment they deserve. This will be a bold statement of women being stirred to call it enough already. We need to show the world the importance of women’s role in society and world cannot function without women.
On Women Equality Day - the day of action!
It’s finally August 26, it is the day to stir up the work/home strike for women by hosting the annual Women Equality Convention which has various vendors providing services to pamper women. We start the strike by walking the red carpet to help women feel empowered, also to embrace their confidence in natural beauty. No more will they feel as if it’s normal to be objectified as sex symbols in society. 
Entered into the convention, there will be presentations to help inform the central inequality issues that women face today. Issues such as 30% of lower pay than men with the same credentials, working experiences and positions. This will help stir the women equality movement to move forward once again after 15 years of increasing pay gap.
After the presentation, the vendors will then provide massages, beauty services, and spa treatments to help women feel appreciated by their presence and comfort them both mentally and physically. We understand that this is not something that will go into immediate effect in the society, but by hosting this movement annually, we know that we will fix the women equality issues by stirring up the hope in all women.
Stir It Up (Women Equality Day Campaign)

Stir It Up (Women Equality Day Campaign)

A revolution has always been started by one person being stirred up to boldly take the initiative to speak up. This was exactly what happened whe Läs mer
