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Why business flyer is still needed today?

Why business flyer is still needed today?
For decades, Flyers have been used, with great success, to help businesses promote their products and services. But are Flyers effective in the digital age? 

Yes, Flyers are an easy and effective way to tell people on the street about your services and products. They may have never seen your website, or may not be on social media.
When done correctly, leaflets are visually appealing and contain useful information about the business or product. As long as paper is still being used, leaflets will never become obsolete and are still an effective marketing tool.
Do flyers work in 2022?
The short answer is yes, but we need to compare it with other offline marketing techniques in order to create a relevant context. Like billboards, flyers actually perform well when compared to other outdoor advertising techniques.
Put your flyers in the right places.
Direct mail
Leave-behinds on sales calls.
Include them with customer invoices and vendor payment.
Door-to-door distribution by hand (in targeted areas)
Place flyers on cars.
Insert flyers into neighborhood newspapers to reach a local audience.
Hand out to event attendees
Why business flyer is still needed today?


Why business flyer is still needed today?
