PODCAST ALBUM COVER – "My Public Life" was an Department of the Premier and Cabinet initiative to bring the varied and interesting stories from Queensland public servants to life. While the podcasts never launched, I was happy with the final two creative options that gave me the opportunity to explore a new application and the parameters that make an engaging album and episode covers.
DRONES STRATEGY – The Queensland Government's Drones Strategy collateral was developed to showcase the state's innovation success with new and emerging opportunities, to attract new investments, research and development and increasing industry and workforce capabilities. Design and layout, print management, infographics, digital graphics, press advert, exhibition signage, image editing.
RETAIL ADVERTISING – while working at Black Eye Advertising, we had a large number of retail and specialised industry clients, who required ongoing promotional material. Concept, design, image editing, client liaison.
SCREEN INDUSTRY ROADMAPS – the Screen Industry Roadmaps outlined the Queensland Government's vision to be a globally recognised commercial and creative leader in the screen industry, creating jobs, boosting the economy and enriching our cultural contribution. Design and layout, print management, infographics, digital graphics, image editing.
GCG Occupational Health & Hygiene – GCG recognised their existing collateral wasn't professional enough to align with their standing in this specialised industry. A subtle tweaking of their logo, and an all-new set of category flyers, a new capability brochure, business cards, material handling data sheets, website and Facebook was rolled out to great success.
OFFICE FOR VETERANS – this section was formed to provide policy advice on veterans' matters, identify and support employment pathways, grants and funding, as well as valuable support services. An overarching brand was required, as well as an identifying look for a number of programs and initiatives (eg Queensland Remembers) that had to work well with the parent identity. Stakeholders were over the moon with the identity I created for them, especially given the strict parameters around colours and non-identifying with a particular services' arm.
TRADE MISSION FACT SHEETS – Queensland Government's Protocol division needed a set of Trade Mission fact sheets to showcase the state's highlights, including: economic, education, agriculture, Advancing Queensland, advanced manufacturing, biomedical, biofutures, renewables, hydrogen and tourism. These fact sheets were translated into over five different languages. Concept and branding (including future expansion of the set), design and layout, image editing.
GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY – Griffith needed a new look for a series of student brochures, with a strong visual focus and full accessibility for online collateral. Concept and design, image editing, online accessibility.
EDUCATION QUEENSLAND had completed their pilot schools trial, for Grade 7 to become part of high school, and needed a booklet to promote their findings to schools, the community and parents. Concept and design, client liaison, print management, deep etching and photo editing.
NEWSPAPER WRAPS & NEWSLETTERS – I have created a number of Queensland Government newspaper wraps and 4pp newsletters for regional publications, requiring strong visuals and concise information. Design, layout, image sourcing, image editing, copy editing.
GIRL GUIDES QUEENSLAND – the Queensland Government hosted a 100th anniversary reception for Girl Guides Queensland and needed an event visual identity for specific items. Girl Guides Queensland loved the look so much they wanted permission to create patches and badges! Event brand concept, digital graphics, certificates, Microsoft templates etc.


various collateral for corporate materials, events etc


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