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Colle. - soluble watercolour papers (KOKUYOAward2023)

KOKUYO Design Competition 2023
Theme: Embrace
Description: Uncertainty, Uniqueness, Fractals are the keywords that underlie as the basic building blocks of Cosmos. A society can be said to be progressive, when it embraces the difference among its elements, accepts it and cherishes it. Why do we need uniform, standard tools like Pencils, Pens, Brushes etc. to express our thoughts? Does this celebrates the individual identity of the people? Colle, is a novel approach to commemorate the existence of differences among people by lauding both the flaws and rightness. Colle, is an art supply, for both Kids and Artists, it nurtures a new way to express ideas and bring them into the world of hues and enhances the creative process. The word Colle, has its root from Greek, meaning ‘ glue ‘, ‘merge’, ‘mix’ etc. Colle is fun to use. Tear the Hue sheets to desired size and shape. Place it on the canvas to make collage of different hues. Spray water on the canvas, in matter of few seconds, the paper dissolves in the water and leaves the pigment on the canvas. Use Colle wise to blend colours. 
Colle. - soluble watercolour papers (KOKUYOAward2023)

Colle. - soluble watercolour papers (KOKUYOAward2023)

