Market XXVIII*
More Faces at the Farmers’ Market
Waltham, Massachusetts
October 2022
Closing time for the Farmers’ Market is 2:00 pm. This day, I arrived at 1:00 pm. The crowd had already thinned, and the October sun was noticeably lower in the sky. I had hoped to focus on faces, but the one vendor stall with customers still flocking about required me to shoot against the sun—always a challenge. Not all of these photos were shot directly against the sun, however; some were shot at an angle. The bicycle rider was shot almost 90º to the sun. 

I guess you’re wondering why the little dog is being carried papoose-like on her owner’s back. Intrepid reporter that I am, I asked the question. The dog is being treated for the dreaded heart worm. The vet forbids any activity until treatment is complete, and the dog’s heart and lungs are back to full health. In the meantime, I can imagine how the dog must feel: the indignity of it all!

Market XXVIII*

Market XXVIII*

More Faces at the Farmers’ Market
